
ColumnStore 생성하던 테이블이 실패가 났었는데, Shutdown 하려고 하니 다음과 같은 에러가 발생 .

작업 중에 Connection Fail 나면서 해당 세션은 현재 존재 하지않음.


[root@DTEST2 db]# mcsadmin shutdownsystem y

shutdownsystem   Mon Jan 22 10:54:58 2018


This command stops the processing of applications on all Modules within the MariaDB ColumnStore System


   Checking for active transactions

The following tables are locked:

LockID Name                        Process PID  Session CreationTime                        State    DBRoots

1      columnstore.td_pageview_bak DDLProc 9994 18      2018-01-19 오후 02 06 18 Abandoned1     

Your options are:

    Cancel    -- Cancel the shutdown request

    Wait      -- Wait for write operations to end and then shutdown

    Force     -- Force a shutdown

What would you like to do: [Cancel]:


MariaDB [columnstore]> show processlist ;


| Id | User        | Host      | db          | Command | Time | State                    | Info             | Progress |


|  3 | system user |           | NULL        | Daemon  | NULL | InnoDB purge worker      | NULL             |    0.000 |

|  2 | system user |           | NULL        | Daemon  | NULL | InnoDB purge worker      | NULL             |    0.000 |

|  1 | system user |           | NULL        | Daemon  | NULL | InnoDB purge coordinator | NULL             |    0.000 |

|  4 | system user |           | NULL        | Daemon  | NULL | InnoDB purge worker      | NULL             |    0.000 |

|  5 | system user |           | NULL        | Daemon  | NULL | InnoDB shutdown handler  | NULL             |    0.000 |

|  9 | root        | localhost | columnstore | Query   |    0 | init                     | show processlist |    0.000 |


6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


MariaDB [columnstore]> kill 18 ;

ERROR 1094 (HY000): Unknown thread id: 18

MariaDB [columnstore]> exit


[root@DTEST2 db]# ps -ef | grep 9994

root     10406  5101  0 10:51 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 9994



테이블을 조회해 보면 해당 테이블은 존재를 .


MariaDB [columnstore]> show tables ;


| Tables_in_columnstore   |


| td_pageview             |

| td_pageview_bak         |

| td_pageview_columnstore |



MariaDB [columnstore]> drop table td_pageview_bak  ;

ERROR 1815 (HY000): Internal error: CAL0009: Drop table failed due to  IDB-2009: Unable to perform the drop table operation because DDLProc with PID 9994 is currently holding the table lock for session 18. 


테이블 조회


[root@DTEST2 columnstore]# /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/bin/viewtablelock

 There is 1 table lock


  Table                        LockID  Process  PID   Session  Txn   CreationTime              State    DBRoots 

  columnstore.td_pageview_bak  1       DDLProc  9994  18       9532  Fri Jan 19 14:06:18 2018  LOADING  1


Clear 테이블


[root@DTEST2 columnstore]# /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/bin/cleartablelock 1

Rolling back and clearing table lock for table columnstore.td_pageview_bak; table lock 1


Sending rollback request to PM1...

Successful rollback response from PM1

Sending cleanup request to PM1...

Successful cleanup response from PM1


Table lock 1 for table columnstore.td_pageview_bak is cleared.



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