
Master DB


[ 수행중인 DB Data Directory 확인 ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ ps -ef | grep postgres

enterpr+  25088      1  0 11:09 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/bin/edb-postgres -D /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/data

enterpr+  25089  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: logger process  

enterpr+  25091  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer process  

enterpr+  25092  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: writer process  

enterpr+  25093  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: wal writer process  

enterpr+  25094  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process



[ postgresql.conf  파일 편집 ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$  vi /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/data/postgresql.conf


wal_level = hot_standby

archive_mode = on

archive_command = 'cp %p /odata/PG/PramaryARC/%f'            

hot_standby = on

max_wal_senders = 4


# /odata/PG/PramaryARC/ : 미리 생성 시켜 놓은 Archive Directory



[ pg_hba.conf 파일 편집 ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ vi /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/data/pg_hba.conf


# replication privilege. add 2016.06.14

host    replication     enterprisedb          trust

host    replication     enterprisedb        ::1/128                 trust



[ 환경 적용을 위하여 Restart ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM data]$ pg_ctl restart -mf

[enterprisedb@EXAVM data]$ ps -ef | grep postgres

enterpr+  25088      1  1 11:09 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/bin/edb-postgres -D /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/data

enterpr+  25089  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: logger process  

enterpr+  25091  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer process  

enterpr+  25092  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: writer process  

enterpr+  25093  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: wal writer process  

enterpr+  25094  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process  

enterpr+  25095  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: archiver process  

enterpr+  25096  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process  



[ Standby DB 생성 ]


Standby DB /odata/PG/data_str_replication directory 생성 시킬 것임.


[enterprisedb@EXAVM data]$ pg_basebackup -h localhost -D /odata/PG/data_str_replication -U enterprisedb -v -P

1768160/1768160 kB (100%), 1/1 tablespace                                        

NOTICE:  pg_stop_backup complete, all required WAL segments have been archived



Standby DB


[ postgresql.conf  파일 편집 ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$  vi /odata/PG/data_str_replication/postgresql.conf


port = 5447



[ recovery.conf   파일 생성 ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$  vi /odata/PG/data_str_replication/recovery.conf


standby_mode = 'on' 

primary_conninfo = 'host=localhost port=5444 user=enterprisedb' 

trigger_file = '/tmp/edb.trigger.5447'



[ Standby DB 시작 ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ chown -R 700 /odata/PG/data_str_replication

[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ pg_ctl start -D /odata/PG/data_str_replication

server starting

[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ 2016-06-14 11:18:20 KST LOG:  redirecting log output to logging collector process

2016-06-14 11:18:20 KST HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".



[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ ps -ef | grep posgres

enterpr+  25395  25342  0 11:18 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto posgres

[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ ps -ef | grep postgres

enterpr+  25088      1  0 11:09 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/bin/edb-postgres -D /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/data

enterpr+  25089  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: logger process  

enterpr+  25091  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer process  

enterpr+  25092  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: writer process  

enterpr+  25093  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: wal writer process  

enterpr+  25094  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process  

enterpr+  25095  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: archiver process   last was 000000010000000000000050.00000028.backup

enterpr+  25389  25088  0 11:18 ?        00:00:00 postgres: wal sender process enterprisedb ::1[2781] streaming 0/51000138

enterpr+  25096  25088  0 11:09 ?        00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process  

enterpr+  25385      1  0 11:18 pts/1    00:00:00 /opt/PostgresPlus/9.4AS/bin/edb-postgres -D /odata/PG/data_str_replication

enterpr+  25386  25385  0 11:18 ?        00:00:00 postgres: logger process  

enterpr+  25387  25385  0 11:18 ?        00:00:00 postgres: startup process   recovering 000000010000000000000051

enterpr+  25388  25385  0 11:18 ?        00:00:00 postgres: wal receiver process   streaming 0/51000138

enterpr+  25390  25385  0 11:18 ?        00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer process  

enterpr+  25391  25385  0 11:18 ?        00:00:00 postgres: writer process  

enterpr+  25392  25385  0 11:18 ?        00:00:00 postgres: stats collector process  



[ Standby Log 파일 확인 ]


[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ cd /odata/PG/data_str_replication/pg_log

[enterprisedb@EXAVM pg_log]$ ls

enterprisedb-2016-05-26_095001.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-01_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-07_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-13_000000.log

enterprisedb-2016-05-27_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-02_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-08_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-13_192325.log

enterprisedb-2016-05-28_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-03_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-09_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-14_000000.log

enterprisedb-2016-05-29_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-04_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-10_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-14_110901.log

enterprisedb-2016-05-30_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-05_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-11_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-14_111820.log

enterprisedb-2016-05-31_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-06_000000.log  enterprisedb-2016-06-12_000000.log  startup.log

[enterprisedb@EXAVM pg_log]$ cat enterprisedb-2016-06-14_111820.log

2016-06-14 11:18:20 KST LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 2016-06-14 11:09:23 KST

2016-06-14 11:18:20 KST LOG: 


** EnterpriseDB Dynamic Tuning Agent ********************************************

*       System Utilization: 66 %                                                *

*         Database Version:                                             *

*            Database Size: 1.7    GB                                           *

*                      RAM: 125.9  GB                                           *

*            Shared Memory: 95367  MB                                           *

*       Max DB Connections: 112                                                 *

*               Autovacuum: on                                                  *

*       Autovacuum Naptime: 60   Seconds                                        *



2016-06-14 11:18:20 KST LOG:  entering standby mode

2016-06-14 11:18:20 KST LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 0/50000000 on timeline 1

2016-06-14 11:18:21 KST LOG:  redo starts at 0/50000028

2016-06-14 11:18:21 KST LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at 0/500000F0

2016-06-14 11:18:21 KST LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections




Streaming Test

   : Master DB에서 작업한 내용이 Standby DB 제대로 적용 되는지 확인


Master DB

[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ psql -p 5444

psql.bin (

Type "help" for help.



edb=# \connect tpch tpch

Password for user tpch:

You are now connected to database "tpch" as user "tpch".

tpch=> \dt

         List of relations

 Schema |   Name   | Type  | Owner


 public | customer | table | tpch

 public | lineitem | table | tpch

 public | nation   | table | tpch

 public | orders   | table | tpch

 public | part     | table | tpch

 public | partsupp | table | tpch

 public | region   | table | tpch

 public | supplier | table | tpch

(8 rows)


tpch=> create table test (id int) ;


tpch=> commit ;


tpch=> insert into test values (1) ;


tpch=> insert into test values (2) ;


tpch=> commit ;


tpch=> \conninfo

You are connected to database "tpch" as user "tpch" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5444".

tpch=> exit

Standby DB

[enterprisedb@EXAVM ~]$ psql -p 5447


psql.bin (

Type "help" for help.


edb=# \connect tpch tpch

Password for user tpch:

You are now connected to database "tpch" as user "tpch".

tpch=> \dt

         List of relations

 Schema |   Name   | Type  | Owner


 public | customer | table | tpch

 public | lineitem | table | tpch

 public | nation   | table | tpch

 public | orders   | table | tpch

 public | part     | table | tpch

 public | partsupp | table | tpch

 public | region   | table | tpch

 public | supplier | table | tpch

 public | test     | table | tpch

(9 rows)


tpch=> select * from test ;





(2 rows)


tpch=> \conninfo

You are connected to database "tpch" as user "tpch" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5447".

tpch=> exit


Monitoring Query

   : pg_stat_replication 뷰를 이용하여 streaming 전송 상태를 모니터링 Gap 모니터링

Master DB

edb=# SELECT usename , application_name , state , sent_location , replay_location , sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication ;


   usename    | application_name |   state   | sent_location | replay_location | sync_state


 enterprisedb | walreceiver      | streaming | 0/51016AE0    | 0/51016AE0      | async

(1 row)


edb=# SELECT pg_xlog_location_diff(sent_location, replay_location) FROM pg_stat_replication;




(1 row)


Standby DB

edb=# SELECT usename , application_name , state , sent_location , replay_location , sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication ;

 usename | application_name | state | sent_location | replay_location | sync_state


(0 rows)


edb=#  SELECT pg_xlog_location_diff(sent_location, replay_location) FROM pg_stat_replication;



(0 rows)


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